
Living in Switzerland For Members

REVEALED: The most popular baby names in Switzerland

Helena Bachmann
Helena Bachmann - [email protected]
REVEALED: The most popular baby names in Switzerland
Emma or Alice? It all depends on where is Switzerland she lives. Image by Annamária Nick from Pixabay

Each year, the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) publishes the most widespread names given to babies born in Switzerland. This is what parents called their newborns in 2022, and what the names tell us about Switzerland.


If you expect to see names like Hans or Heidi, you will be disappointed.

In fact, these names are nowhere to be found on the list of most popular baby names released by the FSO on Tuesday. 

And given the linguistic specificity of Switzerland, each language region has its own version of ‘best’ names.

Note that these names were given to all children born in the country in 2022 — Swiss and foreign nationals alike.

Let’s have a look.

For boys, Noah is in first place nationally, as well as individually in Swiss-German and Swiss-French cantons.

The Italian-speaking Ticino is an exception, with Leonardo in the top spot, and Noah taking the fourth place.

In second place, Liam is the favourite name across Switzerland as well as in the German and Italian-speaking regions, while Gabriel is in the top position in the French-speaking Suisse Romande.

In the third place nationally we find Matteo, which, even though it is an Italian name, is not a favourite in Ticino; there, Alessandro in the third place.

Leon is a favourite in the German-speaking part, and Liam in the Suisse Romande.


What about the girls?

Emma reigns overall in Switzerland, but regionally Emilia is in first place in the Swiss-German part, Alice in the Swiss-French cantons, and Sofia in Ticino.

Next, we find Mia in the second position nationally as well as in the German-speaking part. In the Suisse Romande, Emma takes the second spot, and in Ticino, it is Aurora.

In third place nationally, the Swiss favourite is Sofia.

Malea is most popular in Swiss-German part, Olivia in Swiss-French, and Emily in Swiss Italian.

This link lists the top 10 names in all regions of Switzerland. 

A baby lying down

Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

Generally speaking, all of the above names are not exactly ground-breaking: they have been among the most popular in Switzerland for the past 10 years.

As you can see there are regional differences, which reflect the linguistic groups in Switzerland. 

What’s in a name?

A lot, it seems, as Swiss law forbids parents to give their offspring bizarre names.

Years ago, new parents had to pick a name for their newborn from an official list.

The rules are more relaxed nowadays, with the only one being that a name can’t be so wacky that the child’s well-being could be damaged.

In considering this, Swiss authorities will look at whether “the child will be exposed to ridicule because of its name".

Based on this, among actual names Swiss authorities have rejected over the years (and for a good reason) were Satan, Cain and Lucifer.
Grandma, Rose Heart, Prince Valiant and Puhbert were also turned down.

READ ALSO: Why so many baby names are banned in Switzerland 


Switzerland’s most popular surnames

The FSO study also revealed the most common last names in Switzerland.

We’d like to say that there is ‘Müller’ in sight, but that would be wrong.

As a matter of fact, this is the most widespread surname in all of Switzerland, with 53,410 people carrying it.

Next is Meier (32,856) and Schmid (30,424).

But in French-speaking Switzerland, a Portuguese name, da Silva, is in the top spot. In Ticino, it is Bernasconi.



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