
Today in Switzerland For Members

Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday

Helena Bachmann
Helena Bachmann - [email protected]
Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday
Swiss consumers continue to shop like it's still 2021. Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Calls for a minimum monthly wage, why the government wants to know the content of your garbage, and other Swiss news in our roundup on Wednesday.


Union calls for a minimum monthly salary of 4,500 francs

“Anyone who works in this country deserves a decent salary,” the Swiss Trade Union (SGB) said in a press statement released on Tuesday..

"In concrete terms, no salary should be less than 4,500 francs and after an apprenticeship, everyone should earn at least 5,000 francs," SGB added.

The financial situation of people with low and middle incomes is becoming “increasingly strained”, the union said, noting that inflation, rising energy costs, and ever-increasing health premiums are exacerbating the problem.

 "The crisis in the purchasing power of families with normal incomes has been brewing for years and the phenomenon is taking on alarming proportions," it said.


Government rummages through household waste

The Swiss population produces around 700 kg of waste per inhabitant every year, one of the highest quantities in Europe.

To assess the efficiency of the country’s waste management system, the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) has gone through the contents of trash bags every ten years since 1982 in a given community.

The latest garbage forage took place in Perlen (LU), the report released on Tuesday said.

“In recent years, we have achieved good results, especially with regard to recycling. However, there is still a long way to go,” FOEN reported.

While inspecting trash is not the most glamorous job, it is an important task in Switzerland, as it “provides valuable information on the consumption behaviour of the population,” according to FOEN.

READ MORE : Trash talk: What are the rules for garbage disposal in Switzerland?

Inflation hasn’t slowed down consumer spending

Despite climbing prices, many Swiss continue to spend money freely, according to a survey published on Tuesday by Sotomo research institute.

Almost half of the people surveyed said they have no plans to limit their shopping habits in the coming months. One in three respondents expect only minor restrictions, while only 12 percent think they will have to tighten their belts.

These results contrast with a similar survey  conducted in Germany, where 30 percent expect to significantly restrict their spending, while only 18 percent believe they will spend as before.

“We have been hearing for a few weeks now that consumer sentiment is deteriorating. But retailers haven't felt any of this so far," according to Dagmar Jenni, director of the Swiss Retail Federation.


New report praises Swiss vocational training

No other country in Europe has as many young people in vocational training as Switzerland, according to a report released on Tuesday by the Federal College of Vocational Training (HEFP).

With its vocational training system, Switzerland is "taking a special path in Europe and is increasingly distinguishing itself from its German and Austrian neighbours," the report found.

"Nowhere else has this system remained so strong and the separation between vocational and academic training so clear."

However, some new challenges emerge, given "the rapidly changing labour market and society where new skills are constantly in demand,” HEFP added.

READ MORE : Why is vocational training so popular in Switzerland and how much can I earn?

If you have any questions about life in Switzerland, ideas for articles or news tips for The Local, please get in touch with us at [email protected]





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