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Reader question: Can I have a barbecue in a Swiss park or forest?

Sandra Sparrowhawk
Sandra Sparrowhawk - [email protected]
Reader question: Can I have a barbecue in a Swiss park or forest?
Can you have a BBQ in Swiss nature? Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi:

In Switzerland, barbecuing in the great outdoors is a must in the summer. But what does Swiss law say about grilling while enjoying the nature? Here’s what you need to know.


The Swiss are known to have a soft spot for regulations, so it may not surprise you to learn that there are some rules to be aware of when barbecuing outdoors.

The main thing to keep it in mind is that your BBQ session must not damage public or private property. This can also include, for instance, fire damage in a meadow.

If you place your grill on gravel near a lake shore and do not cause significant air pollution, then this is generally permitted.

So, whether you’re looking to have a BBQ in the mountains, by a lake or even in a national park this summer, know that barbecuing outdoors is generally permitted in Switzerland.

Yet, it is still advisable to check with your local canton for any special (legal) regulations before setting out on your BBQ adventure. 

Here are some other points to consider.

READ MORE: Can I have a barbecue on my balcony in Switzerland? 

If you plan to have a BBQ in a Swiss forest…

If you’ve ventured into your local forest for a get together with friends and family, in Switzerland you can only light a fire in a forest in so-called settlement areas which are areas designated for respite and barbecues. In these areas, fireplaces will be clearly marked.

Also be sure to remember that fires in the forest must always be kindled with the necessary caution, even if there is only a low or moderate risk of a forest fire.


In Switzerland, you can only burn completely dried, natural forest wood if only a little smoke is produced. You are not allowed under any circumstances to burn old and residual wood as well as any material (waste) you may be eager to get rid of.

And if you’re planning to smoke a cigarette, stick to the settlement areas - or risk paying a hefty fine.

If you did accidentally start a fire outside a settlement area, you may be liable to pay an 80-franc fine - or worse. If you wipe out half a forest you'll face criminal prosecution.

READ MORE: Can I have a fire in my backyard or courtyard in Switzerland?

Mind how you leave…

While you are more than welcome to enjoy a sandwich (or even grill a whole pack of the Swiss favourite Cervelat in designated forest spots), by lakes or other convenient outdoor areas, any kind of trash should always be disposed of elsewhere - or else the forest owner or person in charge of supervising the spot will be forced to do this.


If you happen to leave a large chunk of trash behind, however, police may be called and you could be liable to pay a fine.

Prior to leaving the barbecue site it is also important to always double check that the fire is properly extinguished so as not to pose a threat to people and wildlife.

If you bring your own grill to a chosen (makeshift) barbecue spot, also make sure to dispose of the charcoal safely so that no unintended fires break out after you leave.

Here are a few addtional rules nature lovers should follow in the Swiss countryside.


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