
Today in Switzerland For Members

Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

Sandra Sparrowhawk
Sandra Sparrowhawk - [email protected]
Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday
Wolf attack wreaks havoc on Glarus village. Photo by Steve.

Wolves wreak havoc in central Switzerland, Germany tightens Swiss border checks, and other news from Switzerland on Tuesday.


Alpaca-killing wolf attack unnerves Glarus

Wolves killed seven alpacas and injured another two on Sunday morning near the village of Elm in the canton of Glarus.

The wolf attack took place near Elm in a pasture protected by an electric fence, the Glarus government reported on Monday. The herd included 20 alpacas.

Though DNA results are still pending, the canton assumes that the "Kärpfrudel" – a notorious wolf pack responsible for an August attack on a calf in the Glarus Alps – is behind the attack.

The government is now putting pressure on the federal government to immediately approve two requests for further regulation for the Kärpfrudel and the Schiltrudel (wolf packs) which live in the area.

READ ALSO: Volunteers scale Swiss Alps to protect livestock from wolves

Germany to start checks at border with Switzerland

Germany has announced that it will introduce checks at its border with Switzerland as it looks to reduce irregular migration flows in a move that was agreed upon by both parties.

The country reported irregular border crossings by migrants – many of whom cross via the Swiss border - had gone up by around a third in early October compared to 2022.

In September, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (Social Democratic Party of Germany/Socialists & Democrats) ordered stationary border controls with Poland and the Czech Republic but was urged by the conservative opposition to formally notify border controls prior to their conduction.

The future controls will however not come into effect right away but may legally be instated by local forces as required as per the registration with the Commission.


READ MORE: Germany strengthens border checks amid rise in migrant arrivals

Switzerland mulls compulsory military service for women

By 2024, the Federal Council – which will next week welcome its newly elected members - wants to consider a mandatory orientation day for women alongside an extension of compulsory military service to women.

The move is, in part, motivated by the country’s shortage of men (and women) signing up to do military service.

In Switzerland, all Swiss men (with the exception of those that are disabled and outside the age bracket) are required to serve in the military or do civil service. This obligation does not exist for Swiss women at present though they can volunteer if they wish - however not many do.

Political debates on the subject are likely to be somewhat divisive though the political candidates’ answers indicate that many Swiss political parties are in favour of women in the military.

Members of the Green Liberal Party of Switzerland, FDP.The Liberals, The Centre and Swiss People's Party are in favour or rather in favour of expanding compulsory military service to include women, while candidates from the Social Democratic Party of Switzerland and the Green Party of Switzerland are not quite as convinced – though some agree with the idea.



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