
Today in Switzerland For Members

Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday

Helena Bachmann
Helena Bachmann - [email protected]
Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Tuesday
The efficiency of public transport in Zurich (pictured) and other Swiss cities suffers from shortage of drivers. Photo by Thomas Delacrétaz on Unsplash

Heavy rains to hit Switzerland today; good news on the jobs front; and more news in our roundup on Tuesday.


Heavy rain to hit Swizerland today
Starting today, a cold front will cross the country, bringing with it very humid and unstable weather.
There is a significant risk of heavy precipitation, especially in French-speaking Switzerland, including Valais and the entire northern slope of the Alps.

According to MeteoSwiss weather service, between 10 and 15 cm of rain is expected fall, swelling the on the banks of rivers and mountain streams to dangerous levels .

Public transport system in Swiss cities is affected by staff shortage

There is a worsening shortage of bus and tram drivers in Switzerland’s largest cities, according to media reports. 

In Zurich alone, about 30 drivers are missing., which means the frequency of service on certain routes must be reduced, especially in the evenings.

Basel and Bern are experiencing the same situation, with some buses and trams canceled from time to time due to shortage of drivers.


Switzerland’s labour market continues to be robust

In the last three months, the number of employed people in Switzerland rose by 2.2 percent in comparison with the same period in 2022, according to a study released on Monday by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO).  

The number of employed men increased by 1.8 percent, and the number of employed women rose by 2.6 percent.

A particularly sharp increase was observed among foreigners: while the number of Swiss employees went up by only 0.7 percent year-on-year, that figure was 5.2 percent among foreign workforce.

READ ALSO: The little-known exceptions that allow non-EU nationals to work in Switzerland 


“Strategic dialogue” between Switzerland and the UK underway in London

Since the post-Brexit transitional period that ended in January 2021, relations between the two countries have been governed by a series of bilateral agreements that bypass the European Union.

In order to bolster their relations, Switzerland and the United Kingdom agreed to hold high-level meetings each year.  

On Monday, a Swiss delegation met with their UK counterparts in London.

Their talks focused on "a wide-ranging exchange on economic, financial and trade relations, as Switzerland and the UK are negotiating an update of their free trade agreement and a mutual recognition agreement in the field of financial services,” in addition to migration issues, the Federal Council said in a press release.
If you have any questions about life in Switzerland, ideas for articles or news tips for The Local, please get in touch with us at [email protected]



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