
Today in Switzerland For Members

Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Friday

Helena Bachmann
Helena Bachmann - [email protected]
Today in Switzerland: A roundup of the latest news on Friday
A flight between Geneva and Zurich is among most turbulent. Photo: Image by Thanasis Papazacharias from Pixabay

New data reveals who gets naturalised in Switzerland most often; a Swiss air route that is among most turbulent in Europe; and more news in our roundup on Friday.


Most requests for Swiss citizenship come from educated and wealthy people

Since the introduction of the new naturalisation law in 2018, nearly two-thirds of applications are submitted by “highly qualified and wealthy people,” according to a government study.

“The share of highly skilled and affluent people has increased significantly, and the number of low-skilled and lower-income people has dropped considerably,” the Federal Council said in a press release on Thursday. 

Applications from people who only had compulsory-level education dropped from 23.9 percent to 8.5 percent.

Highly qualified foreigners, on the other hand, represent 57 percent of naturalised citizens, compared to one-third under the old law.

Health insurance premiums could increase by 6 percent in 2025
There is (relatively) good and not-so-good news concerning the cost of compulsory healthy insurance.

The not-so-good news is that, according to forecasts from Comparis consumer platform, the rates will go up by 6 percent next year.
The relatively good news, however, is that if this prediction proves to be correct, the increase will be more moderate than it was in the past two years: 6.6 in 2022 and a whooping 8.7 percent in 2023.


All shook up: The Geneva-Zurich flights are among Europe’s most turbulent

After the dramatic air turbulence episode that happened on the London to Singapore flight on Tuesday, you may be wondering whether such an event is a frequent occurrence.

This particular incident was admittedly far more severe than the vast majority of cases, but turbulences as such are not rare.

Unfortunately for those who fly between Geneva and Zurich, those particular 30-minute flights are particularly prone to chaotic changes of air pressure.

In fact, according to a site called Turbli, which is dedicated to tracking such events, that SWISS airline flight is the second most shaky in Europe. 

The reason, said meteorologist Lionel Fontannaz, is that on this route the plane flies over the Alps, “with southerly and northerly winds passing through it…Certain types of turbulence are greater in mountain regions.”


More dog bites reported in Zurich
In 2023, Zurich dogs bit significantly more people, as well as other animals, than in the previous year.

In all, 24 percent more dog bites were reported in the canton.

The veterinary office counted 1,661 reports, compared to 1,356 cases in 2022. The number could be even higher, as some bites may go unreported.

The reason for the increase in incidents, however, remains elusive.

READ ALSO: Where and when must dogs be kept on a leash in Switzerland? 
If you have any questions about life in Switzerland, ideas for articles or news tips for The Local, please get in touch with us at [email protected]



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