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Five big news stories from Switzerland you need to know about this week

Helena Bachmann
Helena Bachmann - [email protected]
Five big news stories from Switzerland you need to know about this week
Is cash still a 'thing' in Switzerland? Photo: Pixabay

Exemptions to citizenship exams and new efforts to stem cross-border shopping, are among the Swiss news The Local reported this week. You can catch up on everything in this weekly roundup.


Do Swiss people still love cash?

Old research showed that for the longest time Switzerland's consumers were partial to cash over credit cards.

But according to the latest Swiss Payment Monitor for 2023 study published by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and the University of St. Gallen, this is no longer the case, with cashless transactions now a more popular payment method.

READ ALSO : Switzerland sees significant decline in cash payments

Do all foreigners have to take a Swiss citizenship exam?

Generally speaking, all those applying for naturalisation procedure in Switzerland will have to take (and of course pass) the official test, whatever form it takes in a given canton.

Those seeking the fast-track (also known as ‘simplified’ or ‘facilitated’) option, may find more flexibility in exam requirements, depending on their personal circumstances.

READ ALSO : Who's exempt from taking a Swiss citizenship test for naturalisation?

How important is a good credit score in Switzerland?

‘Financial standing’ doesn’t necessarily mean 'wealth; instead, it means financial responsibility and solvency - which lead to a good credit rating and various benefits that come with it.

But if your score is less than stellar, be ready to assume the consequences. 

READ ALSO : Does having a good credit score matter in Switzerland? 

Do you need a private pension in Switzerland?

Pensions are a hot-button topic in Switzerland right now, but do you really need to set up a private pension plan, in addition to the two state-run schemes that you already have?

Much depends on what your financial needs are, as the article explains.

READ ALSO : Is it worthwhile setting up a private pension plan in Switzerland?


New moves to restrict cross-border shopping 

The so-called ‘shopping tourism’ is very popular among Switzerland’s public, as food and many other goods are cheaper in neighbour countries.

But moves are under way to make this practice much less attractive for Swiss shoppers, with farmers' and retailers' associations both pushing for a lower tax-exempt limit on products purchased abroad.

READ ALSO: Why Swiss farmers and retailers demand stricter ‘shopping tourism’ rules 

And if you are looking for a 'different' kind of 'hotel experience' 

If you are not a fan of conventional hotels, we have compiled a list of the most unique and unforgettable places to stay in the Alpine nation, whether you want to try a fancy bunker, an old monastery, or simply a bed and butler in the middle of nowhere.

READ ALSO: 10 of Switzerland's most unforgettable hotel experiences


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